Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 5 & 6

Day 5
My last FP day this week.  These two days have been much easier than I had anticipated them being. 

I had some greek yogurt with strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch I had the egg white scramble.  Then a peanut butter pudding afterwards.  I did my workout.  I was starving after my workout and it was still a ways to go till dinner.  So I made a sunshine smoothie, and put  a little chicken, lettuce, mustard, and very small sprinkle of mozz cheese into half a Joseph's pita.  Mmmmm, very yummy, satisfying, and filling!  For my dinner, I had another egg white scramble (Yes, I'm totally ok eating the same thing twice in the same day!!)  And before bed I had another pb pudding! 

I should add, I was very sleepy today.  Aside from my workout, and taking care of the kids, and my normal houselhold things, I didn't do much today. 

Day 6
My first E day after 5 days without!!  For breakfast I made the TH pancakes with blueberries in them...MYOHMY...they have NEVER tasted so good before.  It was like a party in my mouth!  I was so happy! 

For lunch, I'm going to have half a Joseph's lavish bread with some lunch meat, skim mozz cheese, mustard, and lettuce with 1/2 a banana on the side.  =)

For snack, I will make a smoothie.

Dinner will be Lighter side of Chili.  With some Joseph's crackers. 

And of course, I plan to workout. 

Hope you all have a blessed Saturday!!

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