Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fuel Cycle Day 1 & 2

Yesterday was day 1 of my fuel cycle.  It went ok.  I woke up and had my breakfast of scrambled eggs  (cooked in coconut oil) and turkey bacon.  I was full for a long time after that, so I didn't even make lunch until 2. 

For lunch, I had planned on making the Tuscany in a Bowl, but I never got a chance to finish my grocery shopping this past weekend, and didn't have everything for it.  So I made the Chicken Broth Anything soup FP style.  That was pretty tasty.  However, I was in a hurry and trying to get ready, and get all the babies ready to leave for basketball games that I didn't have time to eat all of it.  And that isn't something you can bring and eat in the car.  So I grabbed a little skinny chocolate for the drive. 

Dinner was on the run. We had to games tonight.  So we had to leave the house at 3pm and I didn't get home until 9pm.  We stopped at Whataburger for dinner.  I ordered a doublemeat burger.  I just pulled it all out of the bun and ate it that way.  So, it wasn't great, but wasn't the worst. 

When I got home I was starving!  I munched on some more skinny chocolate.  But, it wasn't cutting it.  I was really hungry.  I just went to bed.  It was 11pm at that point and I just didn't want to eat anything that late. 

I didn't have time for a workout.

I'm determined today will be better than yesterday.  I started my day with Serene's Steamed Omega Sensation (minus the optional stuff.  Blech!!  Not my cuppa tea!  lol!!)  Not bad though; as I'm a girl who usually can only do scrambled eggs.  I made sure the yolks cooked through.  I can't do runny eggs! 

For lunch my plan is a big cheg salad.  I have some chicken and hard boiled eggs to go in it, and turkey bacon, along with a lot of veggies.  I made some italian dressing last night.  I bought an Italian dressing mix and mixed it up  with the directions on the back.  I used EV olive oil for the oil.  That should be yummy for my S days. 

For dinner, I put a nice pot roast in the crock pot.  I'll serve some broccoli with it and maybe a side salad for me, and brown rice for the kiddos. 

For snacking today, I plan to have more skinny chocolate.  I am also going to make the Mouth Watering Meringues this afternoon, as well.  And if I'm really hungry, I'll have a mint chocolate frappa, too. 

I will workout this afternoon.  I have to take a baby to the droctor in a bit and I plan to come home and put them down for naps and workout afterwards.

Well, I'm off to my busy day!!  Hope everyone has a blessed day!!

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